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oxy grindstone - Louisville International Airport

Louisville International Airport


Louisville International Airport Louisville International Airport is a civil military airport located in Louisville, Kentucky, which is subordinate to the Louisville Regional Airport Authority. Covering an area of 610 hectares, it has two parallel runways and a crosswind runway. The 2011-2015 National Airport system comprehensive plan of the United States classified the airport as "major commercial airport" ". it is one of the busiest airports in Kentucky, and also one of the major cargo airports in the United States. 

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▼ through multiple comparisons the designer of the baggage check-in office selected the American Kairui epoxy grinding stone, which is colorful, smooth, seamless, and anti-skid and wear-resistant.

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 ▼ in the waiting hall of the large airport with ground patterns, a good airport environment is particularly important. 

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The epoxy grinding stone is smooth and seamless, and has high-quality properties such as waterproof, leakage, pollution resistance, and maintenance Low cost, very suitable for airport ground. 

▼ lobby 

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▼ waiting hall


 ▼ aisle

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 epoxy grindstone is flexible in design, and can be designed into a variety of patterns. Whether it is exquisite flower patterns or generous and simple geometric patterns, the ground becomes more lively. 

▼ the epoxy terrazzo with ground pattern has a unique process. 

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The inlay pattern design of laser or high-pressure gun NC cutting is used to make the aesthetic modeling and design meaning more lifelike. 

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The end

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