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Epoxy grindstone construction

Construction process of epoxy grindstone: base surface treatment and repair → epoxy flexible film → priming → pattern making → setting out → laying separation strip → paving → rough grinding → slurry filling → fine grinding → slurry filling → fine grinding → coating sealant → curing → waxing   

1、 Requirements for epoxy grindstone base:

        The ground condition has a great impact on the quality of the final epoxy terrazzo floor project. If the ground condition fails to meet the requirements, the epoxy terrazzo project is difficult to do well, and there are often phenomena such as shell, falling off and blistering during the use of the epoxy terrazzo floor. Therefore, good substrate condition is the premise to ensure the quality of the epoxy terrazzo floor, The requirements for concrete base material of general epoxy grindstone floor are as follows:

1. The concrete shall be flat and dense, with flatness ≤ 4mm and strength not lower than C25; Poor strength will inevitably affect the pressure resistance, impact resistance and durability of the coating; The ground shall be treated by vacuum shot blasting machine to meet the grade SP3 requirements of ASTM d4261-1983 surface cleaning before coating of concrete prefabricated parts. Large area shot blasting and local grinding shall be carried out to enhance the adhesion of the ground, so that the ground is free of coarse particles, cement bumps, dust and smooth.

2. If the ground to be painted is at the bottom layer and the groundwater level is high, the concrete bottom layer shall be waterproof.

3. The strength of fine aggregate concrete leveling layer on floor slab, reinforced concrete beam and sub cast concrete shall not be less than C25 and the thickness shall not be less than 50mm.

4. The damaged concrete surface shall be repaired or leveled according to the requirements of gb50212 national standard, i.e

a. When fine aggregate concrete is used for leveling, the strength grade shall not be less than C25 and the thickness shall not be less than 50mm.

b. When the base course must be leveled with cement mortar, a layer of concrete interface treatment agent shall be applied first, and then leveled according to the design thickness.

c. When the above operations are not suitable for the construction process, epoxy mortar can be used for leveling.

5. For details, such as the concrete around the downpipe and the threshold, the concrete shall be flat and the edges and corners shall be straight.

6. If the concrete base course fails to meet the requirements, there are phenomena such as peeling and falling off of the floor layer caused by the concrete layer, the floor layer foaming phenomenon caused by the lack of waterproof treatment or lax waterproof of the bottom layer, the floor unevenness caused by the serious unevenness of the substrate and the unreasonable (too thin) coating design, the floor coating cracking caused by the unreasonable setting of expansion joints, etc, The floor construction party shall not be responsible.

7. Requirements for concrete base course. The epoxy material itself is sensitive to water. The base surface concrete of the bottom layer must be constructed with a waterproof layer and effective, and the moisture content of the base surface is less than 8%.

2、 Treatment of various cracks

        In order to give full play to the overall aesthetic performance of the floor and the characteristics of wear resistance, dust prevention and anti permeability, the reasonable treatment of various joints in the base concrete is an important link in the whole construction process. According to the state of the crack, it can be divided into motion, instability and stability, that is, it can be divided into dynamic crack and static crack.

1. In the large-area seamless reinforced concrete ground, the expansion joints, deformation joints, settlement joints and stress joints that must be set during concrete construction shall be filled with elastic gum, the reserved holes shall be covered and reserved according to the square and round shape, and the edges and corners shall be neat. In order to facilitate the construction, the sub warehouse joints, construction joints and cracks caused by improper reinforcement are in a moving or unstable state, which can be classified as dynamic cracks. The treatment method of dynamic cracks can be treated according to the corresponding nodes.

2. Cracks on the surface of concrete during or after hardening and cracks caused by inadequate concrete curing are observed to be stable and no longer expand and extend, that is, cracks in a stable state can be classified as static cracks.

When dealing with such static cracks, after sand blasting or vacuum grinding and dust suction, all cracks will be completely presented. Just open the 45 degree V-notch and repair it with epoxy resin mortar.

3、 Treatment of hollowing and weak parts

1. Comprehensively inspect the concrete base, find out, remove and repair the hollowing and local weak parts.

2. Select appropriate repair methods according to the area and thickness of hollow drum and local weak parts.

3. If the construction time permits, the area is large and the thickness is deep, cement mortar can be selected for repair from an economic point of view.

4. Comprehensively inspect the concrete base, find out, remove and repair the hollowing and local weak parts.

4、 Removal of pollution (take reasonable and effective measures according to the degree of pollution)

1. The oil stains on the concrete surface can be polished and cleaned with high-efficiency degreasing agent, and then the cleaned base course can be dried with a blower (or hot air) to make the moisture content meet the construction requirements.

2. For those with deep penetration of oil pollution, only the polluted part can be completely chiseled off, and then new concrete or epoxy resin repair mortar can be added.

3. For other pollutants, different cleaners shall be selected for cleaning or mechanical removal according to different conditions of stains.

5、 Anti crack layer structure

1) Priming: roll the prepared primer evenly on the ground with a roller or scrape the primer evenly on the ground with a knife board, and pretreat the expansion joint of the base course after drying( No one is allowed to walk in this process (fixed line is required for 12 hours, and warning tape can be used for enclosure)

2) Laying fiber anti crack layer: stick the fiber anti crack layer material to the ground with fiber resin, and the joint of fiber layer shall be about 10 cm( Due to the simultaneous construction of large surfaces, people are not allowed in this process)

3) Scraping anti crack Inhibition Film: evenly scrape the prepared anti crack inhibition film on the laid anti crack fiber layer( No one is allowed to walk in this process (fixed line is required for 12 hours, and warning tape can be used for enclosure)

6、 Setting out and laying of dividing strip

        Carry out site setting out according to the shape of the drawing. During setting out, pay attention to the reference points to ensure the accuracy of setting out. At the same time, mark the setting out lines with a color pen and correct them repeatedly to ensure no aliasing. Fix the dividing strip on the ground according to the setting out line and correct it repeatedly to ensure that the dividing strip is consistent with the setting out line (5mm copper strip or magnesium aluminum alloy is bent to the required angle with a bending machine, and fixed on the ground scraped through the anti crack suppression film with glue gun, glue rod or clean river sand and 502 glue) after passing the acceptance, the next construction can be carried out.

7、 Paving epoxy grindstone (48 hours curing in summer)

1. Epoxy stone layer laying

1) Mixed epoxy grindstone

Mix component A and component B of special epoxy grindstone resin according to the specified ratio, fully mix them with a mixer, and then pour them into a special mixer containing various graded aggregates for full mixing.

2) Paving and leveling

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