Environmental protection is not only about sustainability, but also a reflection on complex life. We are still living in a land full of vitality, but full of crisis and challenges. Urban people are more and more eager to get rid of the complexity of modern life. People's instinct is to enter the heart to seek real happiness, health and sense of meaning“ In a world where information and images explode, we need to pause. 


      Through the design height of a carpet, we re-examine the pressure of life. Ecological environment is closely related to human physiological and psychological health. Changes in the external environment affect the interior space, and then the lifestyle and space users. Second class design only pays attention to environmental protection, and first-class design really makes the environment and people more harmonious, harmonious and comfortable because of its "Empathy".


      Choose the carpet of environmental protection material as far as possible to feel the delicate experience of being close to nature. If you are sensitive to touch, choose a soft style. When you are tired or anxious, you can do relaxation exercises barefoot or lying flat on the carpet. Carpet can effectively divide the space visually and play the role of partition. Adding a carpet in your private area will enhance your psychological sense of security.

image.png                    Designers and employees will show their creativity and inspiration here. Look at the photos from the other side of the ocean on the mobile phone screen: this brand-new and dynamic building will continuously flow out more research information on the interconnection between design, human beings and the earth, and hope that this "Empathy" can send out more small freshness in the big universe.

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